Tree branch on road

30 Jul 2005
This mornings entertainment is a branch from a tree fallen on top of a electric car charger point and covering half the road.
Iv emailed the council debris removal online form thingy so will see how long it takes them to come.
Let me get a photo.
Any man would get his orange bow saw out the boot and clear it to the side.

The bow saw is usually by the bin liners, duct tape, cable ties and spade in the boot
Good thing no one needed to charge up their car this morning.

I guess it's lucky being a wide road that it doesn't impose an immediate blockage. If it was blocking both sides of the road the I'd imagine the council would be out pretty swiftly to clear it.
This is the chance you have been waiting for. Hire a chainsaw and go to town on it whilst wearing a horror movie mask (safety first).
Just LMAO that The **** Centre to the right of the picture by the two green bins is shuttered closed.


e: oh, is that censored? Sounds like 'duck' but starts with a letter third in the alphabet.

e2: This is a lot of effort I've gone to for what is a tremendously unfunny observation :/
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