Trees close to a house wall?

2 Feb 2020

I'm really interested in a house, but it has two conifers up to roof height on two corners of the building - crucially these are probably only 2.5 meters from the house, probably been there 20+ years.

Does anyone have advice on how I could remove the risk of possible future subsidence here? From research it sounds like you can't just cut them down, as then the roots swell and you can get heave damage, and same when the trees die.

There's no issues at all visible today (above foundations at least), and I'm sure if/when I survey it they will just tell me they are too close to cover their backs... and I guess insurance will be higher as they are close to the property (but I could reduce height so as not need to declare them).

Is it a case of run away now, or can you work with these things? Maybe a ground radar survey or something to work out where the roots actually are?
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