Trials Fusion Season Pass - do I get to keep the DLC?

2 May 2004
I've just bought Trials Fusion and have completed most of the levels. I wouldn't mind getting the DLC stuff as there seems to be a ton of it + all the community levels seem to need bits from the DLC.

If I get the season pass, do I get to keep the DLC when that runs out? Or is it a subscription type service that I need to keep renewing?

Season Passes are just all the DLC bundled together (for the most part). There isn't any time restriction on them :).

Edit: Just checked the Steam page, I can see why you're confused, it is worded kind of poorly in that it can be taken as you can only play them for a year :D. I'm almost positive that it means that they're releasing the DLC over the course of a year (release Apr 14, last DLC expected by May 15).
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