
26 Nov 2002
Dunno if this has been posted before, but it seems a pretty good game. (so far, only been at it couple of days)

I dont think it's advanced as the likes of O-Game and other free browser games, but its worth a look. World 2 only started last weekend, so its a good time to start, as everyone is noobs. Check it out, follow the link.

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This game is getting better now after a few days, if you're bored at work, its worth a look. It's free afterall!
Its kinda like Civ, C&C, Risk, that kinda thing.

Make buildings, make troops, upgrade buildings, get better troops, defend, trade goods etc.
ill sign up to world 2
edit:it actually looks kinda kool!
edit2:fallen out with it since i found out i need to pay to get a lot of the content
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Nah u honestly dont need to pay, the premium account offers very little really. It certainly doesnt give u any real advantage. Nobody in our tribe has it, and we are all kicking arse :)
The game is getting really good now, if you can stick out the first 5 days of boring resource building, its worth it once the wars start happening. :)
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