Tribes 3 (going to assume PC too)

I can't see it being anything like as good as the originals. Which had extensive mod support, proper servers (no matchmaking crap), loads of players per map and huge maps. Even in the video you can see they dumbed some things down.

Modern games are a big step backwards from those days even though tech has moved on a lot :(
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I've only played ascend and that was pretty fun for a while! Nothing else to compare it to, so this looks more of the same which I'm happy with. Any idea if it's going to be free to play?
Yes, mod support and private servers are going to be a requirement for Tribes. Optimized for super large maps and large player volume per match are genuinely secondary to how important Mod Support (and thus Private Servers) was to the originals.

Otherwise its just another cash grab copying someone elses homework.

I got here because the Google machine couldnt answer if there has been any info on Mod Support. Guess I will have to wait a while, but given the Developers history, or rather the lack of connection to the originals, I have no positive expectations.
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Dynamix were the old school kind of devs who had a passion for what they were doing and vision, used to hang out a lot on their IRC server back in the day.
I was heavily into Tribes Ascend when it was popular and supported. Played in leagues with some top quality players (and great people).

Loved it, and was sad to see the decline of the F2P model in favour of Smite (I’m still bitter!) :p

This is probably one of the few franchises that could draw me back to PC gaming.

I just hope they keep the skill based elements and balance the classes and weapons well. If they do, it will be a winner. Well, to folks like me who like skill based shooters like Tribes at least!
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