
5 Nov 2007
Now the new UT is out. And Trives V was based on the UT2004 engine, when are we going to see Tribes 4?

I really love Tribes. Spinfuser + Skiing + jetpack = ultimate skill.

Anyone heard anything?
I remember playing the Tribes:Vengance demo briefly and it looked alright,what went wrong? I loved Tribes 2 and the Team Rabbit mod introduced in the last patch was brilliant!!!
they stopped supporting it with patches etc. there was ment to be a patch that brought in punkbuster and fixed issues etc but they just scrapped it for no reason even when it was apparantly completed.
Yep I actually quite liked Vengeance singleplayer. Had some nice arena fights (making good use of the jetpack and spectacular deathmatch-style rocket shots) and a decent storyline.
Tribes 2 was the mother of all games, had such amazing potential, they ruined it with vengeance, and im not sure how?

There was something about tribes 2 that was so simple yet each character class had its own job, it worked perfectly.

and it pains me to say but tribes 4? not holding my breath for it evening coming out, no matter it being anything on tribes 2
Tribes V multiplayer was lacking compared to Tribes 2. The bases were better in 2 and I think the maps were bigger, better vehicles but I thought it was still fun.

When did a game being rubbish stope em making a sequel. I would say it is a quite well known series and they will make another.
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