Tricky one, can you dig it?

13 Jan 2004
Right, I have accepted an offer for a new job. This means I will be travelling 80% of the time, globally. I will be staying anything between a month or two at one location and then fly back to the UK for a week or so, and then back out again.

I will need a nice PC so I can kill time in the evenings as I wont have much of a social life outside work.

I am after a case which is quality, small and yet decent for overclocking. Hence something I can carry with me every one or two months.

Looks are not a top priority. Laptop is out of the question.
Oh I will need a monitor too. 17" flat will do. Light and quality.

Thank you for any help.
Perhaps you are right. But I would like to enjoy recent games at high res with disco inferno EYE candy.

A laptop with X1800/X1900 graphics and 2gb ram would cost ££££.

Yes security will be comical no doubt with a PC as hand luggage. What to do?

Hm that Shuttle XPC SN26P for socket 939 looks sweet for Opteron. But what are they like for overclocking?
They do come at a price too! For that money I could build a rig with E6300, X1800XT, 2gb ram, Seagate sata drive...

Will do some research...
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Seems the obvious choice. But the prices for a gaming laptop are insane compared to what a desktop solution costs :(

Could be worth getting a desktop, and then UPS/TNT/DHL it every two months.
I could build an awesome spec for £500-600. A Gaming laptop with decent gaming is atleast $2700 (£1500).

If I parcel the kit every two months at a cost of lets say £100 it will cost me £600 per year.
Plus you cant really upgrade laptops.
What I have done on a few occasions is to un-assemble the pc, put the case with only PSU left inside, in my suitcase and then fill/cover it with clothes.
CPU, Mobo, Ram, Optical and GFX all nicely wrapped in bubble wrap in a backpack/cabin case.
Worked fine a year back but perhaps with the new regulations they won't accept you bringing on all this hardware in the cabin?

I've also seen on several occasions how people are bringing stuff which the airlines have not prohibited in the cabin, yet the staff in security are having a bad day and are making life hell for innocent people.

My last incident was a week ago at LHR going to CPH (EU flight) where I had nicely packed my stuff in cabin case yet was pulled aside as I had perfum in my hand luggage. The regulation clearly states bottles under 100ml are allowed.
I kindly informed her about this but she warned me I could be grounded...LOL.
Bag sent to check-in and I rushed to the plane. This day it happened to be nearly 4 hours you think my bag made it to CPH? no :)

Considering this perhaps the best option is a to get a quality flight case and courier the thing. Although a PC in a flight case will weigh plenty thus costs will soar.

Perhaps Ill just get a PSP?
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