Trip to Abu Dhabi for F1, anybody ever done it?

11 Jun 2011
Hello everybody,

I would like to visit somewhere extravagant to watch the f1, and I was looking last year and never made it, this year I really want to go to Abu Dhabi for the f1.

I think I will need 2k ish for the hotel and flights and f1 ticket but it might be more, sadly none of my friends have this sort of money to burn so it will be a lonely trip on my own which i dont mind

Anybody ever done it? is there anything or anyplace you recomend to stay? as there are a few options and I am not to sure whats best.

any help greatfully apriciated

I'm in a similar position... Want to go, got the cash but others haven't :( think 2k is a lot... For half the price could go Canada or Tokyo.

to be honest it can be done cheaper prob around £1500 plus spending depending on what tickets yoru purchase, I was also going for 5 days so I get to spend some time our there rather than 4/3.
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