Triple screens - How many Hz?

26 Dec 2013
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Hi all. I’m currently planning on building a triple screen rig purely for sim racing. Mainly iRacing and ACC.

on a triple screen setup I’m probably going to be getting between 50-60fps on ACC and 80fps on iRacing.

Would spending more money on 144Hz monitors make any difference over buying a 75Hz monitor, with the stated FPS I’d be getting?

Depends on whether you are likely to upgrade your GPU in the future?

Also depends on what make of GPU you have for adaptive Vsync technologies (e.g. Freesync/Gsync) - The majority of 75Hz monitors for example have a lower range of 48Hz for Freesync, whereas the better 144Hz monitors can apply Freesync from 30hz upwards
Just wondering if a Samsung G9 would be an option. The curve on those things is extreme. And at the moment I think you can find them for about £1000. Easier to drive than three monitors and much faster at 240Hz.
Just wondering if a Samsung G9 would be an option. The curve on those things is extreme. And at the moment I think you can find them for about £1000. Easier to drive than three monitors and much faster at 240Hz.

I have been thinking about this, plus I think having no bezel is far better. Only issue is, you still can’t fit the right mirror or side window in when racing. Which is kind of important with close overtakes etc

my other thinking was the G9 and then a VR headset
Just wondering if a Samsung G9 would be an option. The curve on those things is extreme. And at the moment I think you can find them for about £1000. Easier to drive than three monitors and much faster at 240Hz.

This all day. Very tempted to get one. Will look better and the panel is about as good as it gets.
I tried triples on my sim rig (albeit with low refresh rate) and although seeing the mirrors and cars alongside was great, I find ultrawide to be better due to no bezels. Mine is a 34 inch LG at 144hz and its fab
Hi all. I’m currently planning on building a triple screen rig purely for sim racing. Mainly iRacing and ACC.

on a triple screen setup I’m probably going to be getting between 50-60fps on ACC and 80fps on iRacing.

Would spending more money on 144Hz monitors make any difference over buying a 75Hz monitor, with the stated FPS I’d be getting?


I had a 24" surround (Nvidia 3d screens) rig and moved to a G9. I miss the 3d, but it's a big upgrade in pretty much every other conceivable way.
From reading on racesimdepartment etc. it seems that a lot of people still favour triples, but they're talking TV screens/40" plus in many cases so I suppose it depends on the size of your rig etc.

Regarding the original question, I would 100% always go for the high framerate display option every time, but you need to look at reviews to see if you are giving up anything. For example, a high framerate display might have lots of overshoot or other artifacts at high framerate, or might be a different technology and have worse colour/contrast etc.
I've found that I change displays very infrequently, so I tend to research the screens quite carefully and don't always worry so much about what my current GPU can drive them at. FWIW it's worth I've read that 120Hz+ etc, are particularly advantageous for sim racing.
Plus, Gsync/Freesync is a game changer if you don't already have that capability.
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