Trouble finding Mountain Lion OS.

12 Jun 2012
West Yorkshire
Hey guys

A mac mini is currently on 10.8 although we need it to be on 10.7.5 and i cant find the download anywhere. Its not even on the appstore.

Any ideas how i can roll this back?

Do you mean Lion? Lion is 10.7 & Mountain Lion is 10.8

I think your only hope if you didn't create a copy or bootable backup is to boot into Recovery mode with CMD+R and hope there's a Snapshop of Lion for you to rollback too.
If you previously purchased Lion you can still download from the App Store. Look under the purchased tab.
Its a work mini, and i only just started. 10.8 is what come with the mac so it will be a fresh install.

I cant find it on the app store either :(

Iv tried to boot up but its just going to standard mountain lion.
Guessing Lion won't have the drivers for the most recently released revision of the Mac Mini that came with Mountain Lion.

Problem is, we use a printing software which can only be run on Lion. Looks like we may have to buy a older mac mini?
If it's supplied with Mountain Lion out of the box, you'll likely have issues with installing Lion, unless that model started off with Lion. Be better off just picking up an older one.
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