trouble installing drivers in the windows boot procedure

4 Oct 2004
Doing a fresh install of windows now i have my new raid card.

It has two 120gb drives attached and in the raid setup screen the drives are fine. (have them set to stripe)
When i go to install windows it says "press F6 to install raid drivers". this just doesn't do anything at all.

i have tried both xp pro and 2k3 server and neither of them want to let me install the raid drivers, if i don't do it and just continue through then i get the error message 'cannot find mass storage device'.

just after the message to press F6, there is a message to press F2 for ASR. this works fine, i press F2 and it goes through to the next step, it just completely ignores the F6 key when i press it.

I've tried the two windows discs on my laptop and i have the same problem, it won't recognise my depression of the F6 key.

grateful for any help on help on this matter as it is really starting to ssip em ffo.

Need any more info on the system then just ask.

Dr_Evil said:
I thought there was another option to install raid drivers from your manufacturer's disk during windows install?

if you don't press F6 then t comes up later saying press S to install third party drivers from an OEM floppy disk, i have the raid drivers on the root of the floppy and that doesn't work either, it searches for them but get's no further.
Does the floppy contain a valid 'txtsetup.oem' file on it as well as the correspondingly correct driver files. Without it the drivers will not be installed at the F6 load point as this is the first file checked for.
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