trouble loading source games

13 Mar 2004

Just installed steam about a week ago as i got my pc back from my nans house. Windows was formatted and everything was from scratch. I have all the up to date drivers and i dont have any viruses.

ok now heres the problem...

I play all HL1 based games fine without error. I even play lost coast and HL2 fine but i cant play CSS or DODS. When i try to load CSS or DODS all i get is a windows error saying "hl2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". Its one of those send or dont send windows error things.

What could the problem be? I really wanted to play dod source aswell :(
Have a go at re-installing Steam over the top of itself.

Get Steam to validate your files for the games, maybe check if your firewall is letting the games run okay via the internet.

Else, not sure what to suggest, check out the steam forums.
no luck! Oh well looks like i wont get to try DODS. Shame as i was going to buy it aswell.

Been looking on the steam forums and quite a few people seem to be having the same problem i have with CSS and DODS since the last updates. Nice one valve :(
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