Troubled over A Case - HELP!!



9 Aug 2005
hello all

i have been looking and looking for a case that is:

- Black
- Alumanium
- Using riser screws for MB fitting not clips.
- Front USB & Firewire
- Very Important (quiet)
- Pref no door but would consider it
- 5-8 HD
- 4 Optical drives

please throw some ideas or links

Yewen said:
My PC is currently in a v1000+.

Physically not much bigger than a PC7+, but the internal layout means it has a lot more 'room'.

@ yewen thanks for getting back to me, i have £150.00 to spend on a case.

the tj03 is good but its over 2 yrs old so i,m worried is not going to be made to todays quiet standards.

with hard disk vibrations and seeks, have anyone got this case.
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hi yewen

thanks for getting back to me is there naychance i could talk to u via msn about this if its possible if not well keep it the forums.

Yewen said:
Sure thing, if youve added me I should be one sometime; been rather busy lately though so sorry if its a bit on and off!

hi no worries

not in hurry or anything like that.

hi yewen

i have lloked at the PC-V1000 plus/PC-V1000B plus, toms hardware like it and coupl of other but a few gripes, no reset button how the hell u suppose to reset if your windows is stuck and the holes in the frame surly u could hear everything from that, but aprt from that its has all the bays and other requirments that i need.

ahich are:

6 - 3.5 HD internal
front usb
120mm fans


- i dont think it quite, can you throw some cases at me as well for me to look at with that kinda of spec, please bare in mind the must to keep things quite and upgradeability. as i read some where here that alumanium are likely to resongate with the hard disks as i have four.

hi there

thanks for getting back to me, well its for the new conroe, it will have the arctic cooling pro for the hsf and 7900gtx and four hard drives, 2 dvd rw (benqs).

throught those holes surly u could hear the racket and you mentioned something about modding the bays as well. could you please tell me what you mean.

and what about the reset why dont they include it :(

i dont really mind the wheels but appranetly they give u rubber ones as well is that totaly true or ?
Hello all

Lian-Li PC-101 Aluminum Mid Tower

are these new cases i was sure these werent there before?

for me its still the v1000+ thanx to yewen :)

any reviews or pics for these cases anywhere

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