Troubleshooting a stupid problem

31 Jan 2006

I've just built a machine for a friend and encountered some problems, some of which I overcame and one I am still stuck on. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on it.

The system is a budget one, an ASRock Dual SATA2 motherboard (that's what it's advertised as, can't recall the exact model number), A64 3200+ with stock HS/F, 1GB GeIL DDR400, PCI-E XFX 6500, Maxtor 250GB SATA, some crappy DVDRW, some cheap crappy case which came with a PSU.

The first problem was that it wouldn't turn on - I then realised it was because I hadn't plugged that smaller power connector into the motherboard (the same mistake I made at christmas when upgrading my mobo/CPU. I plugged it in then it worked. The machine went on and I saw POST. I then unplugged everything from the back and moved it to the position where it's gonna end up - I got my friend to plug everything back in so that he'd know how to do it in the future.

Now it won't turn on. I can't think of any reason why this would be... It's all plugged in correctly, but when I press power it won't turn on. I am pretty certain nothing's come unplugged inside, and none of the circuit breakers in the room have tripped off so there's not been some sort of short circuit that I can think of.

Can anyone suggest how I could remedy this? I can provide more details if I've forgotten to mention something.

Update, I just tried a different power lead and the PSU EXPLODED. I think the problem was it's a terrible PSU.
Yeah I know about that, but I didn't have an option - had to build it to my friend's specifications :P

Does anyone know what exactly could have caused it to explode?
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Cerberous, I had no choice but to use that one. These were the things that he bought and asked me to put together.

He's now learnt the error of his ways, and we'll be getting a Thermaltake 470w on saturday (may not be the best, but it's the best one within driving distance).
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