Troy 2250

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey guy's

Don't mean to dissapoint you all, but Troy 2250 is actually my game that i am making for my third year project my course (BSc Computer Games Development)

You can visit my site: F2-18 Games and read up on it. So far, because i've only just started (starting early \o/) only the Story, Character Backgrounds, Factions and Timeline have been done. Also a teaser trailer :)

Concept art will be uploaded later this week too.

The game will be using the Torque Engine.

But basically I just thought i'd post this as i'd be quite interested to see what you lot would want in the game. What you think sounds naff about the story, and basically any critisism/praise you wanna add.

I know I probably lost a lot of your interest when you found out it wasn't a big title and stuff, but everyone needs to start somewhere :).

Also sorry if this wasnt supposed to be posted here, just seemed the most appropriate place.

I really hope this interests some of you and i'm not just flamed for posting a pointless thread

Many thanks for your time
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well youve peaked my interest, im no programmer but id be happy to test for bugs by playing it when you need someone to :)

the music from the trailers peaked my interest too.

what i find to be dissapointing about 95% of games is the story, usually its not very complex with little depth to it. those that do have a story i feel always end to early, i.e. those with a real good story should be continued through 2 or 3 titles.

if you do decide to do an epic storyline and wish to weave it across a sequal or some such, make sure you sit down and write the story arc first, its my beliefe that a good story isnt written, its woven from seperate events that all culminate into the finished article.
Swansea Institute mate, basically the computer half of Swansea Uni

locutus12 said:
well youve peaked my interest, im no programmer but id be happy to test for bugs by playing it when you need someone to :)

Definatley mate, i'm gonna need people to test it so any volunteers are much appreciated
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what was the music you used ? if your looking for an epic score, look up a composer called Bear Mcreary, he did the Battlestar Galactica scores for the modern show, he mixes eastern and western scales with incredible results.
AH awesome mate will look into that, yeah really looking for a good music score.

The music for that trailer was "The Journey to Rome" from Rome: Total War, i got a soundtrack CD from all the games when i brought the Total War box set. It went really well i thought, but when i do the proper trailers to show off the game i want some really dramatic music, that really gets your heart beating and stuff. Will definatley look into your suggestion mate
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