Trumps visit to the UK

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7 Sep 2014

So 'the Donald' is to visit the UK next week and unsurprisingly some are unhappy. No matter what you think of Trump as a president (or even a human for that matter) he is the head of state of one of our closest allies. For me no matter what leader visits the UK, as head of state we should treat them with the respect we'd expect our own leaders to be treated in their country, and that's especially true of elected officials and public representatives. With the UK continuing with Brexit, I don't think that being disrespectful to the leader of the worlds largest economic power (who up until now has been very supportive on working with the UK on a fast track trade deal) is such a smart thing to do.

With that in mind (and whilst I can understand individuals wanting to protest the visit) I think the actions of Khan allowing a giant inflatable trump to float over London and major of Sheffield banning the donald from his City are not particularly wise moves.

What do the people of OCUK think? Maybe we should invite him to post a comment in here (I hear he likes engaging with folks on the internet ;) ).

7 Sep 2014
Also he’s not going to handle seeing a giant inflatable balloon floating in the sky...he will get triggered and make some hilarious stupid tweets about it.

I dunno, it's quite obvious that he's avoiding London.......... can't imagine him, for example, recommending his business contacts to invest in the capital and I doubt seeing a giant baby version of himself over London will help that
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