Trying to decide on the best gaming mouse and keyboard

1 Nov 2007
I've been trying to decide on the best mouse and keyboard to get for gaming recently. I've been stuck using the same old cheap Microsoft optical mouse for years and years now and thought I would splash out on a piece of kit that will last a long time whilst still being a top performer.

I've been looking at the Logitech G9x mouse and the G19 keyboard combo as a possible pairing. What do people think of these? Are they just over priced marketing or are they really very good?

If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them. Thanks.
What is your budget!

Quite a bit I guess, but then once you have a good keyboard and mouse you don't need a new one for years and years. It is not like a keyboard becomes obsolete :).

So from the responses here I am guessing that the G19 is just not worth the money and it is better to get one of the lower end models to save some cash. If I did that I guess I could get some extra RAM as well.
You have 2 dual core 1333MHz FSB CPUs and you've gone and put 667MHz RAM in with them?
Oh, and noob question but what's the point in ECC?

EDIT: Strike that, it clicked. You're running a server (or renderer) (hence 2.5Gb Storage, multiple CPUs, ECC RAM etc.)

667Mhz RAM is the highest speed RAM this machine supports. Don't forget it is a Woodcrest Xeon machine which was the first Xeon to utilise the Core architecture rather than the Pentium 4 architecture which the previous Xeons used.

The Xeon after this one (Harpertown?) made use of 800 Mhz ECC FB-DIMMs.

Never the less, even FB-Dimms (which are supposed to be faster than non-buffered equivalents?) will be slower than a higher MHz set, so if you have the cash spare, get some better stuff.
Do you game on that PC?

And as for the G19, it seems (to me) to be a G15 but newer. So I'd say G15>G11 (if you like pointless little screens) but also G15>G19 (based on price).

The machine is actually an Apple Mac Pro purchased in 2006 sometime. As I am currently in Singapore my plans to upgrade it have been put on hold. I'm currently just looking for small things (such as the keyboard and mouse) but when I have the time I'll be making a dedicated gaming rig. Running Windows on Bootcamp, while perfectly satisfactory is not quite the same as having a dedicated machine for gaming.

As for the RAM I wouldn't want to lose the advantage of ECC for the work I do in Mac OS X which is quite memory dependent and very fault sensitive.
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