Trying to find a rock band (don't know name)

5 Nov 2004
Perth & Kinross
Hi guys.

I'm trying to find a hard rock/metal band. The only info I have is from watching a music video on the web. I may have found the video from this forum, but can't seem to find anything from searches.

The video is kinda over the top. It has like scantily clad females in it. The lead singer is bald i think, hard looking. It has a vampire type theme, carrying coffins etc. Near the end of the video, the females carrying the coffin drop it, the music stops and the singer kills a devil/satan type person with an automatic rifle lol.

I'm sure the video was on someones blog. And the singer sounds a bit like Chris Cornell.

Thanks for any help/leads. Maybe don't post the video as it might be unsuitable, just the artist will do!

Any help is appreciated :p
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It is a good song, despite the weird video.

I'm sure I remember some kind of S&M theme going on too. :p
Avenged Sevenfold is on the right track, but not them. (just watched the vid).
Not Cradle of Filth either.

I'm sure the video was all in black and white. The vocals are not screamy or deep heavy metal croaks whatever you call them lol.

Vocal sounds like Chris Cornell. I remember there were comments below the video saying he sounded like Cornell too.
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