Does anybody know if the process can be done online as opposed to using the phone. The phone is on O2 and I believe that along with my request for unlocking there is usually a small fee. Thank you
Well when I bought my phone the guy got the code emailed to him?? And they usually charge quite abit, so I would just suggest going to a phone shop to get it unlocked. It will most likely be cheaper than the £30 the operator asks for.
Thanks but they are charging up to £25.00 to unlock and the person I sent it to, to do the unlocking had two goes and failed both times claiming it just wouldn't unlock: (Willy's World in Stoke-on-Trent). I am getting fed up because I am stuck with T-Mobile sim with £20.00 credit on it I cannot use
Sorry by "online" I ment internet assuming it would be faster to contact O2 and receive a reply. Unfortunately the mobile is a pay as you go and ironically I would still use my O2 network as my calls are much cheaper on Tesco (current O2 carrier). This is what the phone is locked to. The only reasons I want it to be sim free is I have a T-mobile sim with £20.00 credit on it I cannot use lol and if the phone were to be unlocked it would make its resale value a little higher.
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