Trying to learn some graphic design, need some help. (GIMP)

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Hi all,

As the title really, trying to learn to make some graphics, problem is have no experience and my google-fu seems to be lacking to find any good tutorials. Find a lot on photo manipulation and so on, but not making graphics (using GIMP that is).

What I am wanting to learn how to do is similar like the below graphics in the spoiler.



As I understand GIMP is similar to Photoshop so should be able to do it there, right ? Don't want to pay for it if it turns out I'm bad at making graphics ! :o :p

So if anyone know of any good tutorials for GIMP that would be greatly appreciated !

Appreciate any and all suggestions ! :)

PS. And if someone are curious, it is so I can learn how to make things for Rainmeter and WindowsBlinds.
Not something I've done before but I dont think photoshop/GIMP are the right programs for that? They are for image/photo editing, not creating/drawing.
Maybe something like Illustrator would be better?

Thank you touch, for the suggestion ! And yeah, I been realizing that Gimp might not be the way to go as well.

Like @touch said, you want something like Adobe Illustrator. A vector image program. Inkscape is probably the most popular and widely used open source one and is available on Linux, Windows and OS X.

Thank you rxodium, for the suggestion about Inkscape, I have been playing around with it over the weekend and so far seems good ! :D

Gravit is free. Could also try Krita but I think that's more for free-hand drawing.

Thanks Jester, I have a look at Gravita as well.

I appreciate all your suggestions, thank you ! :D Now just have to see if I can manage making some graphics that looks decent as well ! :eek: :p
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