Trying to remember a game...

8 Dec 2004
Ok this is gonna be tough, but Ill try to describe it as much as possible.

It was a kind of adventure game in prerendered 3d graphics (pointy/clicky).
Set in a fictional (magical/monsters etc) type universe.
I remember it had a looping audio track on the demo that I played....
And I think it was released around the early/mid 1990s.

The game was not a hit or anything like that, but I just want to remember the frikkin name of the game!
Return to Zork was what I thought as well. It sounded a little like one of the Journeyman Project games but that was set in a more historical setting.
Had a look at GOG to see if anything sparks your memory?

Ive never used GoG. What is it? (Goes and googles!)

Dammit, went through that list and I cant find it.. or Im not recognising the name of the game....

Simon the Sorceror?

Not those bud (this is a prerendered type adventure type game).

Chris [BEANS];27599342 said:

Not that.

Return to Zork

was it on CD or floppy?

Not RTZ.

Day of the tentacle?

Not DoTT.

Half Life 3?



Wait a sec....
Curse of Enchantia?
Any of the sierra games like king quest or Quest for glory etc?
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream?

Tho does sound like a discworld game but you said somit about pre rendered backgrounds which those had.

Few questions tho to clear it up.

Was it a fmv game
Was it first or 3rd person perspective.
Was it cartoony looking or realistic looking like say between sam and max or gabriel knight etc.
Was it a windows or dos game
What do you remember from the game, the main character, a scene?
Did it have text for speech or voice over work for speech?
etc. any of these?
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I remember a scene where there was weird looking monster guy who talked to you in a weird voice over language (and who doesn't have a tongue - so he spoke a bit funny).
E: Oh it was firs person perspective also by the way!
Legend of Kyrandia?

Edit: ... 1st person so nope...

Exactly bud. This is frustrating the hell out of me!

Could it have been one of the Lands of Lore games, or something from CRYO?

No that but similar type of graphics...

Which platform was it on? Speccy, C64, ST, Amiga, etc?

Sorry I should've said! Its PC (CD Rom not disk).

I was playing it on 486 DX2 66MHz.

Can't help you sorry, I was only just born

Get out now :D
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