Trying to set up static IP on ESP32



10 Sep 2005
So I've tried to set up static IP on a ESP32 using this code link, it seems to work, on the serial monitor it prints : WiFi connected & prints the IP address but I just can't connect to the IP. When I type the IP into my browser it says this site can't be reached took too long to respond. The code in the link has html in so I think I should be able to connect but I can't. I then tried to ping the ip from my hub. I get the following :
PING ( 64 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Obviously I have changed my ssid & password in the code (lines 4 & 5) and also changed the gateway & subnet ( lines 34, 35) so I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Is the IP address of the network your PC is connected to If not it won't work.

Set the ESP32 ip address to or whatever your network address is - otherwise the devices are not on the same subnet and won't answer each other.

Basically the first three numbers in the IP address must match on both devices.

These three lines need changing in the script:

IPAddress local_IP(192,168,43,201);
IPAddress gateway(192,168,43,1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,0,0);

change the 43 to the actual number your network address is set to and that subnet is wrong for a 192.168.x.x Class C network (most home lans) - it should read IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
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Is the IP address of the network your PC is connected to If not it won't work.

Set the ESP32 ip address to or whatever your network address is - otherwise the devices are not on the same subnet and won't answer each other.

Basically the first three numbers in the IP address must match on both devices.

These three lines need changing in the script:

IPAddress local_IP(192,168,43,201);
IPAddress gateway(192,168,43,1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,0,0);

change the 43 to the actual number your network address is set to and that subnet is wrong for a 192.168.x.x Class C network (most home lans) - it should read IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
Ok thanks I'll check that later, this may be where I've gone wrong
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