Trying to stop blisters during indoor football

2 Aug 2004
Hi all,

I play 5 a side indoor football each week and the balls of my feet develop blisters, which also tear during the game. Quite painful as the tissue underneath is red raw sometimes.

I've tried quite a few things to stop this from happening, including:
  • Playing in fitted running trainers, rather than hard surface football boots/trainers
  • Two pairs of stocks (padded anti blister running stocks beneath football socks)

Anyone know of any other solutions? Any plain looking indoor football boots that are known to be well padded?
Thanks for the help so far guys, I'll look at some different socks and trainer combos.

Do the blisters form right along the metatarsals of mainly under the 1st?

Just the first.

I've had gait analysis before and I over pronate, I'm not sure if this is linked.

I had stopped playing for about a year and have recently started playing again over the last four weeks, I can't recall having this issue before. Someone else suggested that the gap in playing has made my skin softer and it may take a while for it to harden after repeated playing?
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