Tsohost site dedicated IP address confusion?

28 Jun 2004
Hi all,

I have a website hosted with Tsohost and 2 domain names registered with 123-Reg that I want to point at the website. I'm using 123-Reg's nameservers as I believe that Tsohost will only provide DNS hosting for 1 domain name with the 'Lite' hosting deal I'm on, and I have 2.

So I'm trying to setup A name records in 123-Reg to point to the IP address of my website hosted with Tsohost, and it's here that I've got stuck. The dedicated IP address reported in the Tsohost cPanel for the website is, but if I go to this address it's a different website, for a company called 'AceCompute', not mine. So when I setup the A name records with 123-Reg to point at this IP address, I get sent to this other website.

The weird thing is, and where I am getting really confused, is when I ping my site at ingleside-hotel.tsohost.co.uk, it resolves to, the same as shown as the dedicated IP address in the cPanel.

So, what gives? :confused:
28 Jun 2004
Thanks everyone. I'll contact Tsohost and see what they say.

One website doesn't mean one IP, the server (IIS/Apache) needs the http header to determine what directory hosts that resource otherwise it'll just end up with the default directory/page, which happens to be someone else's site.

For example, www.bryan-janes.co.uk works, and goes to my site. The IP is, but if you stick that straight in a browser, it gives you the default CPanel page. This is not a problem, it's just how hosting multiple websites for different domains on the same IP works.

OK, fine as far as it goes, but then how am I supposed to setup A name records with my domain registrar?

Can you give me a screenshot of your DNS zone?


As I don't think this is actually an issue...

There's an issue somewhere, as it doesn't do what I want! Although I accept the issue may be between chair and keyboard. :o
28 Jun 2004
Okay looking at your DNS zone I see the problem...

Thanks for taking the time to look at that, but I *think* that's just 123-Reg's way of displaying things:

Add the domain under Parked Domains to point it to your main public_html or Addon Domains to point it to a separate site. The issue here is that Apache has no idea what domain you're pointing it to, so it's just loading the first vhost on that IP address. You need to add the domain to your cPanel and then it will add the right records to Apache for you.

This is sounding like what I need. So I need this configuration, as well as nameservers and DNS settings correctly setup, for everything to work properly?

Trouble is I seem to only have 1 parked domain to use, and 2 domains I want to point at the website. Can I just request another, or do I need to upgrade my hosting package?
28 Jun 2004
Update: Problem solved

Just updating this with what I've learnt in case any else has a similar issue.

In addition to the usual nameserver and DNS settings, and depending on your host, you may need additional settings to point each of your domains to the correct website on the webserver, as a webserver may serve multiple websites at the same IP address.

At Tsohost, they call these settings 'parked domains' (I'm not sure whether this is a standard term or not). I had 2 domains I wanted to point to my website, but only 1 parked domain configured. After requesting an additional one from Tsohost and configuring it, everything now works fine.

Thanks all for you help.
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