Tuning Corsair XMS3 8GB

19 Oct 2002
Chester - a.k.a Gh0sTf@cE
Hi 8 Pack

Thought it best to start my own thread

Here's where I'm at

Can't get into windows at 1866mhz and bios boot loops at 2000mhz

Voltages can be seen in screeny
I will have to check stock and see if we have any at OCUK. If we do I will give em a whirl and see where I get with them.

The way to tune is get near your top frequency on the settings previously given. Then tune Cas first, then Command rate, then TRAS, then the Thirds seach one at a time . Then the seconds focusing on TRFC.
I will have to check stock and see if we have any at OCUK. If we do I will give em a whirl and see where I get with them.

The way to tune is get near your top frequency on the settings previously given. Then tune Cas first, then Command rate, then TRAS, then the Thirds seach one at a time . Then the seconds focusing on TRFC.

The previously given settings didn't quite line up with my bios settings, could you please list them again for me as need to manually slacken off my timings I think to help reach higher frequency
To reach higher frequencys reverse tune. so raise cas, cammand rate first. The key is to get the balance between frequency and latency.
So just leave all my secondary timings as auto? As I know higher is slacker and that'squite sstraight forward for the primary timings, but haven't a clue what to set the other timings at to begin with?
Seconds for frequency go.

tRRD 7
tRFC 296
tWR 16
tRTP 10
tFAW 30
tWTR 19
tCKE 6
tWCL 8

In the thirds leave em on auto but back out trWDR, tRRSR and tWWSR to 6 clocks.

This is really slack timings so perf will suffer.
Cool, thanks
Will set those timings and see what frequency I can reach then I'll tighten from there
Be really interested to see what you can reach with these if you manage to get a chance tomorrow
Thanks again
Confused, why has the score gone worse?

From this at 1800:

To this at 1866:


Because of my processor speed?
Ok great

Well where would you suggest I go from the 1866 settings I have? BIOS still won't boot at 2000 even with the slackest primary settings possible
My bios settings don't line up with the settings you provided, just a couple are listed differentl , but I'll be looking into this
Ok my BIOS lists them as so:

tRC -
tRRD -
tWTR -
tWR -
tWTP -
tWL -
tRFC -
tRTP -
tFAW -
tCMD -
tRW Stability -
tWR Stability -

So most line up but a few don't

tRRD 7
tRFC 296
tWR 16
tRTP 10
tFAW 30
tWTR 19
tCKE 6
tWCL 8
Ok think I've figured them out

You have listed tWCL which is CAS Write Latency so I figure that relates to tWL for my BIOS setting

You also haven't listed tWTP as that should be left as AUTO, as it usually needs to be tWR + tWL + 4 = tWPT, so in this case 28, but I'll leave it on AUTO and see what it sets it as

So my amended BIOS list would be :

tRRD - 7
tWTR - 19
tWR - 16
tWL - 8
tRFC - 296
tRTP - 10
tFAW - 30
tCMD - 1 or 2
tRW Stability - AUTO
tWR Stability - AUTO

Nope not quite right as I haven't found where tCKE relates to....
Ok here's where I'm at now

Still confused as which setting are which when setting in my BIOS as they are slightly different than the listings on Mem TweakIt

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