Turnip vs Swede

If Blackadder has taught me anything, it's that a turnip can (on occasion) look like a thingy, whereas a swede cannot. Beyond that, I do not know.

Let's turn to Wikipedia, shall we?
Wikipedia said:
The rutabaga or swede differs from the turnip (Brassica rapa) in that it is typically larger and yellow-orange rather than white.
lol, had an argument about this on the radio the other week
i didnt think there was a difference
there is though
however scots tend to call everything swede

mashed swede with butter and pepper is gooood though!
You can't knock either, but turnips are the winner by a stretch.

Swede can only be used for bashed neeps, whereas turnips can be added to stews and curries, they can be caremalised and roasted, chipped or crisped.

A very versatile tuber.
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