TV Card for my PC - need help choosing

21 Oct 2002
At home of course :p
I've done a lot of research on this, but can't seem to find something which fits the bill.

I'll try and explain what I'm looking for - if someone knows of a card that fits the bill, please let me know.

  1. Firstly, the TV card has to be PCI Express preferably (or I suppose USB but definately not PCI) This is due to a lack of sockets on my SLI rig ;)
  2. Secondly, I would like to be able to record one channel while watching another, so needs to have two tuners on the one card (or I suppose if it's usb I could buy 2 of them?????)
  3. Finally, the TV card must support the ability to power the computer up - I leave my pc off (or on standby) when i'm not using it, so the card must be able to wake my pc up to record a program

I can find TV cards which support 2 of the 3 criteria above, but have been unable to find one that supports all of them. Would hugely prefer one that supports Digital Freeview, but I think my PC will be obsolete by the time Analogue is switched off so not a biggy.
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