Tv on pc...asked a million times im sure...

23 Oct 2005
Right, sick of my tv on my desk...taking up too much room, so gonna watch the tv on the pc from now hopefully, so need some sort of tv card I think. I just want a basic thing, that will let me watch the ol freeview stuff on my pc, Im not sure whether I want a card, or one of those usb jobs...which would you guys recommend? I will probably be interested in recording stuff from the tv too. So something smooth, a nice interface, and freeview, a remote would be a bonus....and not too expensive either, hoping to keep it around £ what to do for guys?


sorry guys, but so what is the difference between digital and analoge? I always thought analoge was well...bbc1 and 2, itv and channel was well....all the freeview stuff....if this is the case...dont freeview also inclue 1 2 3 and 4? so why would you need to plug in two aerials?

I like the sound of digital recording straight though with no encoding...

how much are the msi cards?

anybody any experience with the leadtek ones?
Im not sure how good our aerial will be for digital tv, but heck ill give it a shot....If it doesn't can buy aerials from argos and places like that can you not, that just pick up digital signal, im sure I saw a friend do this?

Looks like ill be heading for the Hauppage one, seems like a good deal, with some good feedback...

Im not that fussed about recording one channel and watching another...ok well I am, but not enough to pay twice as much...

Whats the user interface like with the Hauppage, as it would really bug me if I had this blocky interface playing the tv back to me....if it isnt something I there anyway to like, get a skin for them or somethign similar so that I have more choice over whats being displayed?
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