I currently have a pretty standard amd athlon setup with a pny 6600gt gfx card, i tend to watch a lot of avi files from the computer on my panasonic crt widescreen tv using a composite video cable from the svideo port on the back of the gfx card (with a svideo - composite conveter which was supplied with the gfx card). the picture quality generally seems crap compared to the computer monitor. i also tried burning some avis to a dvd and played them on my gfs avi compatable dvd player and the picture quality from that is superb. any sggestions on how i can improve the pic quality using my composite cable?
thanks, russ
I currently have a pretty standard amd athlon setup with a pny 6600gt gfx card, i tend to watch a lot of avi files from the computer on my panasonic crt widescreen tv using a composite video cable from the svideo port on the back of the gfx card (with a svideo - composite conveter which was supplied with the gfx card). the picture quality generally seems crap compared to the computer monitor. i also tried burning some avis to a dvd and played them on my gfs avi compatable dvd player and the picture quality from that is superb. any sggestions on how i can improve the pic quality using my composite cable?
thanks, russ