TV, PC & 5.1

8 Jan 2012
Hi all.

I have a 55” LG TV that I use as my PC monitor which is plugged into HDMI 1.

I also have a PS3 plugged into HDMI 3 and Sky plugged into the Scart.

I have 5.1 speakers that I would like to use with all attached devices but I would prefer if possible to use my PC’s soundblaster Z soundcard, is this possible?

I’m currently using an HDMI 2.0 cable from the GPU to HDMI 1 (10-bit, HD Deep Colour, NOT ARC, ARC is HDMI 2 which is not 10-bit) and an optical cable from the TV to the 5.1 speakers.

If I didn’t have anything else attached to the TV and it was just the PC then this wouldn’t be a problem but obviously having an optical cable go from my soundcard to the 5.1 speakers means it doesn’t work for the PS3 that’s connected to the TV’s HDMI port 3.

The Soundblaster Z does have both an optical in and optical out, so could I go TV -> SBZ in - SBZ out -> 5.1 speakers. Would that work?


Silly question, thought of a AV receiver if budget allows?

I haven't but I will take a look, thanks.

Chris [BEANS];29164951 said:

Thanks, I'll take a look at that.

Logitech Z680 has three inputs; coaxial, optical and 5.1 analogue. Using the analogue inputs would be the best way of connecting to the PC. At least that would make most use of the Z sound card when using the PC.

You could use the optical input on the Z680 to connect the PS3. That would unsure you're getting actual 5.1 from the PS3, rather than upmixed stereo, and connect the TV to the Soundblaster Z's optical input, so you can get sound from the Sky box to the speakers.

That's probably the way I'd do it without looking at using an optical switcher.

That sounds like a really good plan. I didn't even think about using all the seperate inputs. Just too focused on optical as everything had it.

Thank you.
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