We do watch HD with catch up tv and streaming. Don’t have Sky nor VirginWhy aren't you watching at least HD in 2022?
Is there a risk of burn in on an Oled, watching football e.g. the static image displaying the score?
The newer oled tvs have pixel shift technology and other features to reduce the chance of screen burn.Is there a risk of burn in on an Oled, watching football e.g. the static image displaying the score?
48” - 55” Budget is about a £1000 although I can probably stretch to the price of an LG C1The newer oled tvs have pixel shift technology and other features to reduce the chance of screen burn.
What sort of budget do you have and what size screen are you thinking of?
What is your viewing distance
About 8 feet6" away! Lol
Too big for the space and over budgetGo for 65" I'm about 8' and for movies it's about right
A 20 sec search on the Rainforest and there were 3 OLED 55" TV's for under £1000 on the first page. And a couple that were £100 over