"TVDrive Will be released 1st march..."

22 Jan 2006
Gloucester, England
I rang telewest today about TVDrive and was told it will be released 1st March and literature about it will be sent to TW customers before the end of FEB.

Look forward to that! If I get it installed any time soon, ill write a review...anyone got it already?
few people on avforums have them, I'll wait till there's something other than a few documentaries to watch.
Goatboy said:
no, it has component outputs - if you look on avforums people have taken pics

Cheers mate. I have a DVI port on the telly as well but as I said it is not HDCP compatible.

EDIT: I just phoned up and the lady said (very confidently) that they have a release date and it is tomorrow (Wednesday 22nd)
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Called up -- getting installed 15th of March.

Was told 50 quid installation or free if I keep the 2nd box. I explained I had no need for the 2nd box living in a studio flat, but asked would it be possible to get an additional box and cancel in 30 days, meaning I basically pay a fiver for installation. She said yes, and assured me the 2nd box was not tied to any contract. Seems some people are being told the 2nd box has to stay for a whole year, so here's hoping TW don't change their tune!

Edit - just got called back. 22nd of March now.
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Getting installed on 15th March Now. There is a "TVDrive Now Available" on the telewest Website so I guess everyone can get hold of it!

NB I was told the 12 Month Contract was for BOTH boxes so I couldnt cancel the 2nd one after a month :(
Dancake(uk) said:
NB I was told the 12 Month Contract was for BOTH boxes so I couldnt cancel the 2nd one after a month :(

Yeah, seems to depend who you speak to. However, I think enough people have been told 30 days for Telewest to stick to their word and allow me to cancel after that period.

Do you already have 2 boxes? If so cancel one and then get it back with the free install deal.
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