Twelve Minutes

I haz 4090!
18 Oct 2002
Surprised there's not a thread about this already! I saw the trailer for this at E3 last year and I've been looking forward to it ever since. I forgot about it for a while but it's due out tomorrow, the review embargo is up at 5PM tonight, so I'm going to wait for those and if it holds up, stick an order in.

Anything Willem Dafoe and I'm there.

Looks like quite an interesting concept, I'm guessing its not a very long game but definitely peaks my curiosity. Good to see its on Gamepass too so I can give it a go for free :)

Ooooh! I did not spot that. It gets better every day GP.
Yeah, I'm going to have to play this and make my own mind up. The reviews are about as mixed as I've ever seen for a game.
It's pretty good, I'm enjoying it. It's basically a point and click adventure game (love these) but you have to repeat the same thing over and over and try different things until you make progress. It can be quite difficult figuring out what to do next, but the sense of reward is there when you do. I wouldn't say it's a 9/10 like a few places have got it down as.
Its definitely a marmite title, I've got 4 friends and my missus who have played it. Out of those, 2 friends hated it and 2 friends plus my missus really liked it. It seems to be one of those things like The Young Ones or Mrs Browns Boys which has no middle ground , people either hate it or love it.

Definitely. I like it, I "finished" it over the weekend and got one of the endings, but I'm definitely going to go back at some point and get the rest of the endings.

It's an odd one though, I find it hard to convey my impressions of it.
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