Twitter client that displays lists?

18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
I'm new to twitter.. well, I've had an account for years, but only recently started to actually use twitter. I'm using it to keep up to date on various articles that people are tweeting etc and thus I've followed a series of lists. On my iPhone this is great, I can select the list relevant to my interests and read away. On my desktop however, I'm limited to only the people I'm following, not the lists of people.

Some of these lists are nearly 1000 people, so I'm not wanting to follow everyone individually. :)

I've tried Choqok and Twittare so far, both are nice apps but don't have "Lists" from what I can see. :)
Ah, that does look cool. :)

Unfortunately no repos for Gentoo have it, a make install is on the cards I think!
Went with TweetDeck (using Adobe AIR *spit*) in the end. Yasst is nice, but crashed 5 times in about 30mins. :)
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