Two from tonight

26 Jul 2005
not perfect - spent about 3 hours touching up in photoshop - need to go back and reshoot


and a long exposure - ND8 used

I like the 2nd one a lot. The red tinges (is that even a word?) in the sky really add something. The first though looks a bit off level (to the right) but looks like an ideal candidate for a bit of HDR. Not usually a fan of it but I think it would do well in that shot.
I agree with ranarama.

I would straighten the first one and then I pick the best side an mirror it. If you get it exactly straight it should look quite good. :)
Yes I really like the 2nd shot and I think you've done a really good job with the composition.

I think If I had taken the shot I would have ruined it in post processing by cropping top and bottom, yours is spot on!
Hmmm, well i really think that the first one looks horrible as it's squahed but it would look better if you un-stretched it ;) The second one looks amazing, really like that one :)
Dont take the critic too hard. I think they both are good.

The first has a lot of potenal impact thats why people are picking up on it. I think the processing is great! But the compostition needs to be just taken with abit of time and really try to level stuff up and get the left and right poles to enter at a symmetrical point.

Watch your horizon to check for straight edges and have fun reshooting.

Really nice pics that asside :)
first is ok, main problem is the general wonkyness of it, needs a more symmetrical feel

second is very nice, if a little sparse
I think to do the panoramic as you have in number one, you will need to be very disciplined and accurate in taking the shots. With grassy landscapes and the like, it is quite easy to hide the joins seamlessly, but with a checkerboard-pattern floor, you have come across some difficulties!
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