Two Infra Red Shots

7 Aug 2003
Hi everyone,

I have been playing with several infra red shots since I got my Hoya R72 filter, anyway I really like these two, although they still need some improving!

They are both very noisy because I took them just before the sun started going down, so I used an ISO of 3200 so I could still hand hold them (since I have no tripod) :eek:

Anyway, here they are:



I need to find some better subjects! Anyway, all comments and cririque welcome.
1. Does nothing more me, I presume it's a daffodil but i can't quite tell, far too bright, far too noisy

2. Does nothing for me, far too noisy, far too soft.

Sorry :(
They both look like 1 or 2 year old camera phone pictures, sorry. :(

I think that number 2 doesn't really have an ir effect in black and white, but if you shot it in colour and played with the levels with a sharp photo that could become a nice shot.
I like them both :p

Considering your tools, they're both good experimental shots.

#1 shows nicely the IR effect, and I like the DoF. I reckon if you used some books as support, and got a little lower (and possibly some sort of clips to try to hold the daf steady) you'd be on to a winner. Sure, it's pretty noisy, but if you're using some support, then that is going to tail off... Although don't be afraid to use a higher ISO if you need it.

#2 I like, too. Sunset is an interesting time for IR. You often get very, very harsh shadows - which as long as you know you're gonna get them, can be an interesting tool (this was a sunset IR shot. The same shot using "normal" light had the foreground exposed properly, too). I think it's probably worth investing in a tripod, even if it's just a cheapy £15 one. If you like the harsh shadows in #2, try going back, at sunset, with some sort of support, and have some more of a play. If not, go back nearer to midday - at this sort of time it's also gonna be worthwhile to include some foreground interest, as it'll have that nice white glow. You've got that classic IR sky, so you're getting there! :D
Gamefreak501 said:
Hi everyone,
I need to find some better subjects!

That's probably the best idea tbh, neither picture has the effect that I'm sure you were looking for...
Cheers for the comments and critique everyone, I do have a fair way to go! I'll hopefully be going out in a few minutes after I have had my lunch - might be worth trying again with the IR. I am not sure my local photo dealers are open, but if they are, I'll pick up a tripod, here are my efforts with the colour version of that church picture:

Plus a picture of the cemetery:

By the way HoodMeister - that shot there is fantastic - the IR really makes it stand out as rustic :D
Not a big fan of these :(

From what little I have seen of IR I think the ones that work have streaking skys from a low viewpoint to frame something like the church you have in your shot, or they are made up mainly of vegetation.

Perhaps if you tried the tripod from under the windows and shoot to the sky it might work?
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