Two PC's die in suspicious circumstances...

28 Oct 2004
Somewhere, in a field in cheshire... alright!
Hello and Happy New Year to everyone,

Just before Christmas my main PC's PSU (Corsair RM650x) packed in, usual bang and slight flash. Fortunately I have a spare system which I set up without issue, used it a while and shut down. Came back to it and it wouldn't start and still won't. No sign of the Corsair CX430 PSU packing in. There is a blue light on the MOBO and I can hear a slight noise when I switch the PSU on. I did reset CMOS. What else can I try?

I'd started using a new Belkin six socket surge protector a few weeks before this all happened and I wondered if there could be a link. Is that likely? I've not used the surge protector since, opting for a new one when I bought a new PSU.

Thanks very much.
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