Two shots from my Dynax 5D

7 Aug 2003
Bedfordshire of them has shake...

But these are straight out of the camera, apart from the usual border adding on Irfanview.

Exif Info embedded.

Me looking rough!


A Shakey Pepsi Can


Manual white balance and exposure. 2500k on the first shot and 5500k on the second shot. Both taken with the kit lens.
Looked in focus to me...Although to be fair, the self portrait I did by setting up my camera on some books, making it autofocus on my hand before taking my position (very inaccurate!)

As for the pepsi camera got a focus lock on it, but I did shake it up a bit which was why it might not have looked very focused.

Heres another anyway:


Of my Ferrari Scale model.
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Thats a bit more like it, however its not what we think of the camera that matters, its your opinions.

So, what do ya reckon?
I do like it :D

Shots straight out of the camera that don't need any work, much much easier to use than my Minolta 7000 (which would involve holding down various buttons to do various things), faster to focus than my 7000, compatibility with absolutely everything I have got (apart from the flashgun), and being able to get shots out of it without having to wait at all :D
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