
18 Oct 2002
SW London
So, who has looked at Microsoft's latest thing?

There is an introductory video here: http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Anders-Hejlsberg-Introducing-TypeScript
and more stuff about it here: http://typescript.codeplex.com/

It certainly looks interesting, but I do feel a little sceptical about it all.
Looks to be something along the lines of CoffeeScript or Dart in that it's an attempt to create something that is better than JavaScript, but compiles down to the same thing.
The interesting thing about it is that it's a proper superset of JavaScript, so all existing JavaScript code is already TypeScript code.

The things that make me nervous are, well, it's Microsoft so who knows what they will do with it! They mention about submitting it as an open standard, but whether than will actually ever happen is a completely different thing!

Secondly, I'm not sure what this means for the future of C#. That is the language with which I make my living at the moment, so it's fairly relevant for me.
Looking at the things they've introduced it seems clear to me that this is an attempt to get C# developers writing JavaScript (well TypeScript) and it makes me think that C# doesn't have a long term future, which makes me a little sad as I really like it as a language.

To me it looks like the sort of thing that JavaScript always should have been though. That's me coming at things from a static typed, object oriented background, so I'm interested to hear what the hardcore JS guys think of it.
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