Typical Hourly Rate for Painter/Decorator in Plymouth/Devon

9 Aug 2004
Plymouth, UK
We have just had our house refurbished - complete rewire and new central heating (lots of chasing out - solid block walls), new bathroom, kitchen, removal of load bearing wall/installation of new steel beam, new ceilings, lots of new plastering of new ceilings and walls due to chasing out etc etc.

Employed a decorator to paint all rooms (large 3 bed semi - total of 11 rooms). Quoted lump sum of £1950 after a walk around surevy pre-works. They are now asking for more money as they claim that they had to do far more preparation work than originally envisaged....they are claiming that new plastering in a number of rooms was poor so had to spend more time filling/sanding.

They are sending an itemised schedule listing the extra hours they believe they have had to spend 'above and beyond' what would be 'normal'.

Haven't seen the schedule yet, nor have they confirmed their hourly rate. Just wanted to get a handle of typical rates before I sit down and reach an equitable deal.
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