Typical MS Server Setup

14 Oct 2008
Hi all,

something is confusing me - on this page:


it states that both Windows Server 2003, Web Edition and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition are required.

I don't understand what these are, they are not each an OS, so are they both applications? If so what OS is running? Also, where does Active Directory fit into all of this?

I am used to Linux, so this seems a little confusing...thanks in advance for any help.
[Darkend]Viper;25466727 said:
The page is saying that the first typical server setup won't run if it's using web edition or datacenter edition.

Web edition and Datacenter edition are both different versions of server 2003 OS, they are the OS, they just have different limits, web edition is mainly used for web servers, running .net and similar. Datacenter edition is the top end which supports more memory, processors and such.

Active Directory is where all the info is stored about users, computers, policies and the such like.

Hope this makes some sense.

hehe..whoops! Thanks for that, does active directory come pre-installed in Win Server 2008 for example?
n30_mkii - thanks, its for theory, I will be taking some MS exams in the next few months and need to catch up quick - can anyone recommend any websites or other materials as a learning aid.

I am already installing server 2008 into a virtual machine so I can mess around. Lots of tutorials on youTube but if anyone knows anything that could turn a REAL beginner into someone who could do a thing or two it would be most appreciated.

Technologies I am expected to learn are:

Windows 7 Configuration
Active Server 2008
Network Server 2008
Exchange Server 2010

If anyone wishes to add their two pennies on these they are welcome, for example I am unfamiliar on the roles of each software technology, win7 configuration I am not really worried about - THANKS!
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