Tyre change = Front brake oddness.

31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
I've just had a pair of tyres fitted to the Street Triple but when I got it back I noticed that the front brake lever is further away from the bar than normal. I have big hands but the lever is literally on my fingertips whereas before it was definitely closer. I have adjustable levers but they're set on the closest setting, if I adjust them the opposite way I can't even reach the lever!

What's that all about? How can changing tyres have this effect?
The dial is adjusted to the closest setting, if I adjust it the opposite way I can't even reach it (and I have long fingers!)
Did you not question it with the garage when you got it back? It's obvioudly something you notice immediately.

It was 6pm on a Friday night when I collected the bike and it was pouring with rain so I was taking it really easy on the new tyres so I only really noticed the following day.

I'd say with 100% certainty that they haven't dropped it, nothing is bent or scratched or anything like that.
Could it be related to the brake fluid level or something like that? Maybe something odd happened with the callipers and they got air in the system/had to top it up?
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