Tyres have had a hard life!

17 Oct 2002

Front tyres, probably just about beyond their best now ;)

Mind you, that's about 12,000 road miles and 11 trackdays on those!

Spent pretty much all of yesterday driving around like a lunatic on an airfield, getting tuition and trying all sorts of things.

I'm pretty comfortable with left foot braking now, also using clutch dips, handbrake and all kinds of other useful stuff. I think the impression is "driving like I stole it" :D
SaBBz said:

That's what I meant :p

Clutch dips are where you dip the clutch, press the throttle, release the clutch quickly while moving, this should cause the rear wheels to spin up instantly.

Also for U bends, jamming it in first to create a huge amount of engine breaking to spin you around on a sixpence.

It was a Lotus on Track day at North Weald.

Sam - Nurburgring 2006 says:
you must have been doing pretty good burn outs
Muncher says:
they are front tyres
Sam - Nurburgring 2006 says:
Jesus mate you must have been giving it some

siztenboots said:
Generally on road use , Muncher how is the VX on tyres, I heard from one dealer that I was looking at a LY, that they wear the insides due to the setup ?

Relatively good, on standard alloys though there is only one tyre that fits, the best price I have found anywhere (and have looked a lot!) is £460 for a set + fitting.

For road use, I guess 25k for the fronts, 12k for the rears. It all depends how you drive. Yes the insides do wear slightly more but depends on the setup you use (many cars are far from setup correctly from Lotus), it's not a great deal in wear difference across the tyre really.

The Potenzas are reasonably hard wearing and the car is so lightweight wear is pretty much dependant on the way you drive.
They are Potenza RE040, I must say I can't fault them. They are a unqiue compound for the VX220 though.

Eidolon - Unless you change alloys you don't really have any choice ;)

The only tried and test choices on the 16/17 alloys are T1R (mixed reviews) A048 (superb grip, less good in standing water, very expensive and extremely quick wear rate) R888 (much the same as the Yokos, but maybe slightly better wear).

There aren't really any complaints about the RE040, except they don't do a 195 profile front.
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