Garp said:
"Well, yes, we know that Al Qaeda is trained in trying to make wild accusations and so forth," McClellan said in response to a question about Odah. "But the president has made it very clear what the policy is, and we expect the policy to be followed. And he's made it very clear that we do not condone torture, and we do not engage in torture."
Wilner said Odah had not been accused of being part of Al Qaeda.
gib786 said:This bit stood out the most to me, all i seem to hear is al ******* qaeda.everytime the US decide to kill more innocent civilians its al qaeda, ooh look an election is coming up, lets scare the public with alqaeda. Its beyond a joke now. As for bush how can someone take orders from such a dumb ****?
You realise that the words 'terrorist' and 'terrorism' are just as much products of propaganda as anything that fundamentalist Muslims care to call us, right?cleanbluesky said:As far as people having complaint against America - i think the calls of hypocracy are designed for our ears because those are the things likely to effect us. When terrorists talk to their sympathisers they use rhetoric as in "these people are the enemy of God" which is not the sort of image that we as Westerners are likely to buy into
Von Smallhausen said:Just like Iraqi troops tortured and abuses Allied POW's during the First Gulf War.
Vietcong tortured and abused US troops during the Vietnam conflict.
Gestapo agents tortured captured Allied troops during WW2.
Nothing new I would say.
No its the product of flying planes into tower blocks that make them terrorists.Arcade Fire said:You realise that the words 'terrorist' and 'terrorism' are just as much products of propaganda as anything that fundamentalist Muslims care to call us, right?
Von Smallhausen said:Just like Iraqi troops tortured and abuses Allied POW's during the First Gulf War.
Vietcong tortured and abused US troops during the Vietnam conflict.
Gestapo agents tortured captured Allied troops during WW2.
Nothing new I would say.
chopchop said:just let them have their hunger strikes so they can die. i would defo not force feed those ********!
Von Smallhausen said:Just like Iraqi troops tortured and abuses Allied POW's during the First Gulf War.
Vietcong tortured and abused US troops during the Vietnam conflict.
Gestapo agents tortured captured Allied troops during WW2.
Nothing new I would say.
Arcade Fire said:Okay. So when the American government defines Cuba as an enemy and imposes (to this day) sanctions on it which have directly resulted in the premature deaths of millions of Cuban people, that's not terrorism.
When the UK and the US governments go against every World Court to declare war with a country which we now know was no threat to the world, it was not terrorism.
When the American government overthrew government after government in its attempts to stamp out Communism, it was seen as Capitalism triumphing over adversity - not terrorism.
When the American government denied repeatedly to pay compensation to the countries as directed by the World Court and directly ignored orders from the same orginisation at the time to withdraw its troops it was seen as a breach of international law which America had the biggest hand in establishing and regularly uses to declare war on other countries, it was not seen as terrorism.
When an Arab government defines Denmark as the enemy because they broke Arab law and encourages its people to lash out against it, then it's terrorism.
That's propaganda at work.