úber stressed, where do I stand ?

7 Aug 2004
Hey all, Iv been applying for a masters course for the past few months, and after some worrying exam results the course director has decided to accept me, and offer me a place on the course (very few places lucky I got on).

However he's saying iv not applied and cant find my application form :confused: I have applied, and have an application reference number and various documents saying this etc. I sent the reply form back saying that this is fine and will accept the conditions of the offer AGESSSsss ago (before i new about the exam results), now im worried as it seems it (the 'yes I want to do the course for sure form') may of got lost in post/lost by them/basically lost.

And im thinking they think I started the process but didnt send in the final 'yes ill do the course form' when I did :( , im going to hunt people down tomorrow, but where do I stand ? Do I have to apply all over again? and thus get shoved to the back of the que for funding (which I need to do the course), so basically the course guy says I can do the course, the uni thinks i pulled out, and them thinking that will effect my european social fund, funding (if that makes sense?!) HELP ! :mad:
DB_SamX said:
If you have the reference numbers and docs as you say you have, I'd just make a few calls to chase it up, maiking it clear how crucial that application is.

Yeah I have them, its just on one of the bits of paper (terms conditions) left over from tearing off the 'yes' form it says 'failure to return the slip may result in the offer being withdrawn' so im úber stressed that bits got lost, and is the only thing I can think of as to whats happened :(
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