Ubisoft Dump Starforce!

8 Dec 2005
There are lots of SFgames which are still uncracked like Splinter Cell3. The main reason for this is that SF protects all game DLLs (approx 260) as well as the .exe file so it takes a lot more resource to crack and the people who do this gave up a long time ago. You have to remember that SF has several different levels of protection and the strongest one has still not been cracked only their cheaper less secure ones.

To all of you who say SF does not mess up your system then I would suggest you either do not burn any media to disc or verify it if you do.

SF is known to interefere with most CD/DVD burning/writing as it blocks the verify data thinking it is trying to bypass their protection if it uses a different method to do this (Nero burns a lot of coasters with SF installed for most users).
Flibster said:
Thats odd - I'm sure that I'd put Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory in the list of games that are Starforce protected and available a couple of posts up.

Oh yes...I did...
So - it is available on the warez scene.

There's also the other little thing of the latest SF3/4 workaround involve running the disk image without any CD/DVD drives attached and having a piece of software running in the background that prevents SF from noticing that you have a virtual drive.

No cracking necessary.


Sorry should have said Splinter Cell3 Retail version or D2D versions are uncracked as is Prince Of Persia3 (& a few others) as they use the most expensive version of SF which protects every single game file and also checks the file checksums for encrypted SF code when the game is running to prevent tampering with. The main reason no-one has nor probably ever will break it is because the time & effort to do so is enormous. Obviously there are Warez versions of almost everything but some of those are leaked before the copy protection is applied usually by insiders in the disc pressing or distribution chain!

As for the unplug IDE drive workaround (only works with Nforce based chipsets) most people do not want to open their cases up and disable then unplug all of their optical drives just to prevent putting the disc in the drive which is all these no disc cracks are ever designed for in the first place. To save the wear & tear on the physical disc & hassle of getting them out of the case/losing them etc etc.

Another thing I should have mentioned is that games like SC3 & POP3 actually run slower than usual due to all the system overhead SF introduces
when it has to continually monitor the game files integrity.
[QUOTE Well, every CD and DVD i've burnt in the last year with StarForce on my PC is fine. In fact, I've not had one failed burn yet.

I won't deny StarForce is probably a bad bit of kit, but I think the 'OMG IT DESTROYS EVARY PC j00 INSTALL IT ON 4EVA' is a bit exaggerated.[/QUOTE]

Well your lucky then!

I have several PCs and all the ones with SF installed always fail @ the verify stage or mess the disc up when burning. Funnily enough the ones without SF installed work perfectly. Lots of other people worldwide have these issues as well so it is most definately not exaggerated.
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