Ubuntu 10.4 and Acer Revo Help

12 Aug 2009
Hello everyone

This is my first post on these forums, and im after a bit of help. Ive installed Ubuntu 10.4 on my Revo 3610, and everything is going great except for watching HD video. The movie stutters a bit but is watch able, but the sound is badly out of sync with the video. Ive installed the Nvidia driver version 195.36.15, and ive also installed Mplayer as i read that this supported hardware acceleration for the ion chipset. In Mplayer preferences, i have selected vdpau from the drop down box for video output, which helped reduce the stutter, but the sound is still out of sync. Is there something that ive missed? Can anyone offer any advice?

Thanks in advance....
Hi guys, thanks for the advice. I finally managed to get hardware decoding to work after spending the best part of a day downloading and installing various packages. This is my first time using Linux, and im very impressed with the results now that i can watch HD video. Will definitely look into installing XBMC or Boxee, any good tutorials on how to do this?

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