Ubuntu 11.04 - KDE not working

8 May 2011
I've recently switched to ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop. A few days ago I installed kde and it ran perfectly for a while. earlier I was playing around with the panels on my desktop and the screen went black.

The only things that I can use are applications stored in docky which includes the terminal and we browser and synaptic package manage - however I can't connect to the internet so they are rendered useless. However gnome functions perfectly, any ideas on how to fix KDE?
I get

mv: cannot stat `/home/tom/.kde4': No such file or directory

does that mean I have to uninstall and reinstall the kde packages?
Try it without the 4. So
mv ~/.kde .kdebackup

EDIT: Btw this will move all your KDE config files, forcing it to create new ones and resetting it to 'factory default'. But it should get it working again at least! ;)
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I don't mind the reset, tbh I expected that it would happen.

There's no error message or any change at all, it seems that I somehow lost some of the necessary files?
I'd be surprised if you lost any files, it seems more likely to be a configuration issue to me. You've most likely enabled a buggy feature somewhere and it's being enabled every time KDE starts.
That said it wouldn't hurt to remove and reinstall the necessary packages. Although a dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop might suffice?

Before you do that though, try
rm -rf ~/.kderc
Start up KDE, press alt+f2, type kwin --replace
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rm -rf ~/.kderc

doesn't appear to have done anything. When I typed kwin --replace the desktop sorta flashed white then black again, then docky reappeared.

dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop

gives the error message

/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: kubuntu-desktop is not installed

any other idea's or shall I just remove and reinstall the packages?
Been a while since I dealt with Debian flavoured distributions but I think you want to do the following for a reinstall:

sudo apt-get purge <package>
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install <package>

I left <package> because it looks like kubuntu-desktop is not installed, and perhaps kde is. The first line will remove and delete kde + all your setting files (warning: this includes any customization), the second update and the third reinstall.

sudo apt-get purge kde
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kde kubuntu-desktop

you might also want to kick:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

from time to time

edit: fixed '--purge remove' to purge
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