ubuntu 12.4 server

21 Jan 2010
Hi, i have just ordered a kimsufi dedicated server.

Its running ubuntu 12.4 as per the title, i have played around with VPS servers in the past for hosting minecraft on
so i do know how to find my way around the Os - more like stagger and bump into things... hah

I shall be attempting to run a game server, mumble a site and some FTP access
generally an all singing dancing package for our "gaming community"

How would you go about setting things up?

Any security measures i need to implement or is that taken care of?

should i create a new user for the daily running of things?

I may be asking "simple" things here but just looking for advice from people who know a thing or two
would like to get this running smooth, with little to no fuss

I guess im looking for general advice

Thanks all

I actually switched to CentOS 6 as Audigex suggested
read a few guides from centos.org, changed shh and ftp port disallowed anon access etc

But while following an ip-tables guide to close all but ftp and shh
found OVH did not like that... hah figures they need to be able to ping me

Still don't have a full understanding of ip-tables sadly
and had to go back to default with a rule added for the game server
(i will revisit this)

managed to add a group that had rwx on a specific dir
to run said game server, gave root to user

getting through all this slow and steady.
Fun to learn all this and having a lot of "derp should have done it this way moments"

Have just closed the server and ordered a new one
they just scraped the previous offer i had KS8g @ £30 and have a far better one...
currently waiting on KS16g @ £20.39 inc vat

Thanks again for the info guys


One thing that bothering though...
virgin media seems to have a bad connection to the server
(VM is just poo nothing but problems)
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