ubuntu amd64 x2 question

13 Feb 2003
I want a linux o/s on my comp so I can transfer a load of linux fortran code, make, and makefiles from uni.

I just want to make sure that I'm downloading the correct iso - I'm currently downloading the install-amd64.iso.

My cpu and o/s are:
amd64 3800+ x2
MS xp pro

Yep thats the correct one, though you *may* run into problems if you are using a different version of gcc at uni (or indeed, if you're uni uses a different fortran compiler or additional commercial libraries, such as NAG).

The only way really is to try it and see!
Once it's installed, make sure you choose the K7 SMP kernel from Synaptic, so that you can make use of both cores. The only other issue is that any code you compile will be 64-bit code (gcc / C code), so if you want portable code to 32-bit machines then make sure you put the appropriate switches (can't remember them atm but it's something like arch=i386).
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